
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Will Power

Food....I love it. I love all of it. I need to diet but I just can't make myself stick to it. I try for a week, I do well and then I break. I just cave to the temptations. I need Will Power. Right now I am at the I would just rather be fat and happy place. Yeah, that's where I am at. Will Power come and save me please. Now, excuse me while I go eat me strawberry crepe.


Unknown said...

Your killing me with that picture!! I'm doing the biggest loser at work and it is soooooo hard!! I love food too!!!!

Whenever you find some will power, send some my way!!!

Kim said...

I started watching Biggest Loser when it started and I promise I was pumped for a week. cooked chicken for the whole week and everything... Then, I just caved! I am proud of you girl! Keep it up, maybe you can inspire me to be better!
Ps. Will power must not like me to much. She comes around for a day or two and then leaves :-) hehe